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1. Nuclear Power and Hudro Power Engeneering

Branch of the Concern "Energoatom" " Kursk NPP "

Branch of the Concern "Energoatom" " Smolensk NPP "

Branch of the Concern "Eenergoatom" " Leningrad NPP "

Open Society "Atomenergoproject" (St.-Petersburg)

Federal State Unitary Enterprise " NIKIET” of a name of N.A.Dollezhalja " (Moscow)

Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Kalininatomtehenergo" (Udomlya of the Tver region)

Open Society "Atomenergoproremont" (Moscow)

Open Society " Engineering centre of RAO UES of Russia institute "Lenhydroproject"

IBRAE the Russian Academy of Science

Federal State Unitary Enterprise " NITI” of a name of A.P.Alexandrova" (Sosnovy Bor)

2. Designing of civil objects (the list of the main projects)

Committee on construction of St.-Petersburg

Management of Northwest district of Internal Armies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Administrative office of the Government of Leningrad region

The mayoralty of municipal formation " City the Pine Pine forest " Leningrad region

Committee on management of municipal property of municipal formation "Sosnovy Bor"

Open Company " Management of Capital construction " (Sosnovy Bor)

Joint-Stock Company "Tseyzer" (St.-Petersburg)

Open Company "Ust-Luga"

Open Company "Portjilstroy"

Open Company "IntelAtomStroy"

"BaltPortComplex" Ltd

"TechnoStroy" Ltd

3. Designing of storage and processing{thorough revision} radioactive, chemically active and a hazardous wastes

Committee on wildlife management, preservation of the environment and an ecological security at Administration of St.-Petersburg

State Unitary Enterprise "Ecostroy" (St.-Petersburg)

State Unitary Enterprise SSZ "SpesTrans" (St.-Petersburg)

Branch of the Concern "Energoatom" " Kursk nuclear power plants"

Open Society Science-Industrial company "Mehanobrtechnica" (St.-Petersburg)